日本人のお客様はもちろん、外国人のお客様にもお楽しみいただけるように、精鋭のグローバルスタッフとともに、 日本の「おもてなしの精神」あふれるサーヴィスでお客様をお迎えいたします。
シカゴのレストランで働き始め、キッチンだけでなく、ホールやバーテンダーなどのさまざまなポジションを経験。その後、ミシュランガイドに掲載されている地中海料理レストラン「Avec」(米・シカゴ)ではスーシェフ、アメリカ料理で有名な「The Betty」 (米・シカゴ)ではエグゼクティブシェフを歴任しました。料理への飽くなき探究心と情熱を抱き、 2019年より拠点を東京へ移し、グローバルダイニングに参画。ニューアメリカン料理の豊富な知識と経験を生かし、タブローズだけでなく、東京のレストランシーンに新しい風を吹き込むことが期待される女性シェフです。
Rachel Dow
Originally from Kansas City, Missouri, Rachel Dow began her career in Chicago, where she began working in restaurants in various positions from serving to bartending, and while studying culinary arts. Upon graduation, she began working at some of Chicago’s most popular restaurants, from working as a sous chef at Michelin Guide-listed Avec to eventually working her way up to the position of Executive Chef at The Betty. With over 10 years of experience, Rachel’s move to Tokyo was inspired by her desire to continue to grow and evolve as a chef.
Rachel brings her fearless sense of culinary adventure to Tableaux and with her extensive knowledge of the landscape that is modern American cuisine, her new menu is a breath of fresh air, not only to Tableaux but to Tokyo’s overall restaurant scene.
Borderless and full of international influences, the team at Tableaux is happy to welcome Rachel and her new menu.

「ニュー アメリカン キュイジーヌ」とは
①Borderless 一つの文化に限定しない、ジャンルにとらわれない融合料理であること。
②Flavor First 味、香り、風味など、口に入れた瞬間の美味しいがすべて!
③Japanese Local Products 日本各地の新鮮な食材を多様な現代的な調理テクニックを用いて独創的で繊細な料理に仕上げること
What is New American Cuisine?
American society is comprised of many different cultures. As they continue to blend with one another, we see the same thing reflected in American cuisine. In America’s cities, people of all different backgrounds come together and these interactions inspire new ideas. This is how New American draws influences from not only French and Italian, but also Asian, Latin American, Mediterranean, and various other food cultures. International cuisine with endless possibilities.
When describing the message she wanted to send with her menu, she had these three things to say
1. “Borderless” New American is, in its essence, international cuisine
2. “Flavor first” In regards to her menu, and as a chef, she considers this to be of the utmost importance.
3. “Japanese local products” At Tableaux, we use locally sourced ingredients to bring these international flavours and authentic cooking techniques to Tokyo